Our Animal Control Services
Small Animal Control...
We know how to handle them

Humanely Removing Animals from Your Property
For small animal and wildlife removal services form your home or business in a humane and safe manner.
First, we identify what type of animal is in your home or business.
Then we set humane traps with the appropriate bait.
Once the animal is secured, we take it to a safe location and release it into the wild away from your property.
Finally, we inspect your property to see if there are openings where animals can enter and recommend services to properly seal these off to prevent re-infestation. We can handle these sealings or you can do it yourself.

Animal Control Services
Prices vary for commercial and residential. Please contact us for an inspection.
Our Small Animal Removal Services Include:
Raccoons, Bats, Possums, Rats, Mice, Snakes, Birds, Groundhogs, Squirrels, Beavers, Large and Small Rodents, Skunks, Iguanas and more!

Emergency Animal Removal Service Available
Save 20%
All New Customers Who Commit To An Annual Contract